Green Building Concept Design

“A green building is one which uses less water, optimises energy efficiency, conserves natural resources, generates less waste and provides healthier spaces for occupants, as compared to a conventional building.”
Another meaning of Green Structure is clean environment, water and healthy living. Building Green is not about a little more efficiency. It is about creating buildings that optimize on the local ecology, use of local materials and most importantly they are built to cut power, water and material requirements. Thus, if these things are kept in mind, then we will realize that our traditional architecture was in fact, very green.
Buildings are a major energy consuming sector in the economy About 35 to 40% of total energy is used by buildings during construction. The major consumption of Energy in buildings is during construction and later in lighting or air-conditioning systems. This consumption must be minimized. Possibly, this should be limited to about 80-100 watts per sqm.
Raj Aircon is engaged into environmental friendly design for energy conservation meeting LEED rating.